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Foshan Kezhimei Furniture Co., Ltd.
Foshan Kezhimei Furniture Co., Ltd.

Is There Anything to Note in the Placement of the Writing Table and Chair for Kids?

Mar 23-2022

After buying the writing table and chair for kids, many parents basically place it casually, but they have never considered the impact of the placement of the writing table and chair for kids on their children's learning. So, is there anything to note in the placement of the writing table and chair for kids?

In fact, there is a lot of things to note about the writing tables and chairs for kids. If they are not placed properly, it will directly affect the children's learning.

Ⅰ. Where can the kiddie study table be placed?

(1) The kiddie study table cannot be placed against the window

If the table is placed by the window, children are easily attracted by the things outside the window, and it is difficult for them to concentrate on studying, which naturally has a very negative impact on learning.

(2) The kiddie study table cannot be leaned against the door

If the table is next to the door, the sound outside the door will also affect the child's learning, and if parents often come in, they have to open the door and close the door, which will easily make the child feel irritable, which will also reduce the efficiency of study and work.

(3) The kiddie study table cannot be placed under the beam

It will make children easily have a sense of oppression, feel uncomfortable, which will have a negative impact on learning.

(4) The kiddie study table should not face the kitchen and bathroom

If the table is placed directly in front of the kitchen or bathroom, the filth and dampness will affect the children reading, which will inevitably affect the mood, and will also be harmful to health.

In general, there are a lot of things to note in the placement of kiddie study table, so parents should pay more attention to whether the placement is appropriate after purchasing the writing table and chair for kids, otherwise it will affect the children's learning.

Ⅱ. Is it good to buy kiddie study table with armrests for children?

There are many styles of study tables. For different brands and types of study tables, their designs and functions are very different. For example, some have armrests, and some do not have armrests. Then is it good to buy kiddie study table with armrests for children? A healthy ergo study desk with armrests can actually bring certain benefits. When purchasing, you can choose it according to your personal needs.

First of all, let's talk about the advantages of the study table with armrests:

(1) Better comfort. Because the kiddie study table with armrests is more ergonomic, it can protect the waist to a certain extent, which is very important.

Sitting for a long time can cause great harm to the waist and shoulders. Tables and chairs with armrests can vigorously support the child's waist and relax the waist properly after studying. And when you are tired from studying, it is still very comfortable to hold the armrest with both hands, stretch your waist, and move your body. Of course, the height of the armrest is also very important. The appropriate height should be able to support the elbow joints.

The armrests of some writing tables and chairs for kids only play the role of placing the arms. Therefore, it is appropriate to buy products whose armrest can be easily adjusted.

(2) The safety is higher. For young children, they like to climb and move. If it is a chair without armrests, children may fall to both sides inadvertently. The armchair acts as a barrier.

To sum up, the study table with armrests has certain advantages. Although it is less storable than chairs without armrests, it can make children more comfortable to use.

And if you are worried about storage, you can also choose a writing table and chair for kids that can be raised and lowered, which is more convenient and practical.

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